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Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.

Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.

Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.

Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.

Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.

Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, n. 1993)

photographer & visual artist.


Andrés Pérez (Venezuela, 1993) is a non-binary photographer and visual artist based in Bogotá, Colombia.


His work is the result of the union between his creativity and political interests. Their visual identity is a mix of artistic photography and expanded documentary practices. Through images, they address social issues such as identity, queer memory and binary violence.


The author's photographs express rebellion and playfulness, putting reality and imagination in tension. Their works seek to discomfort the heteronormative gaze and challenge the artistic visions of the visual hegemonies. That is why since 2022 they have been collaborating with pedagogical and photographic spaces, with the intention of extending their artistic vision to “de-masculinize” the gaze and think photography outside the stereotype image.


Studied Arts, specializing in cinematography. Among his awards are the Prince Claus Fund, POY Latam, IILA Foto and Pride Photo. During 2024 he was a finalist of the Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo and was selected artist of the Latin American Panorama by Photo Vogue. Nominations for the Paul Huf Foam Award, BJP Ones to Watch and Magnum Foundation, Counter Histories.


They have presented 13 exhibitions between 2022 and 2024 in museums, photography centers and festivals such as Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe (Hamburg), Trastevere Museum (Rome), Preus Museum (Norway), Kranj Foto Fest (Slovenia), Pride Photo (Netherlands), Photo Saint Germain (Paris), Bodily Autonomies Queer Festival (Germany) and the Houston Center of Photography.


​​Published in: Der GreifVist ProjectsLenscratchFoto Femme United,

Canon LatamDW EspañolOrganización Nelson GarridoCinco 8 y El Universal.


Awards and Honors


2024. Nominated. Magnum Foundation, Counter Histories.

2024. Winner. XV Photo IILA.

2024. Shortlisted. Photo Vogue, 100 artists from Latin America Panorama.

2024. Selected. New York Times Portfolio Review.

2024. Spotlighted. Photo Vogue.

2024. Finalist. World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass.

2024. Nominated. Foam Paul Huf Award.

2024. Nominated. British Journal of Photography, Ones to Watch.  

2024. Shortlisted. Der Greif. Guest Room: Nadine Henrich & William Camargo.

2023. Shortlisted. Der Greif. Guest Room: Daniel Boetker-Smith & Tanvi Mishra.

2023. Winner. Prince Claus Seed Award.  

2023. Honorable Mention. POY Latam. Resignifying Archives Category.

2023. Winner. Pride Photo Award. Stories Category.

2022. Selected. Foto Feminas Portfolio Review.

2021. Selected. Carol Körting, Photo Editor Leica, Portfolio Review.

2021. Winner. XII SNC, Espacio Anna Frank. Single Photo Category.


Solo Shows


​2023. Dead Family. Exposure+ Photo (Malaysia).

2022. Espectros. Santander Photographic Encounter (Colombia).


Collective Shows


2025. Glitter, Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe (Hamburg).

2025. Latin America Panorama, 9th edition of the PhotoVogue Festival (Milano).

2024. Identità, Così uguali, così diversi, Trastevere Museum (Rome).

2024. TOUCH, do we exist without photography, Houston Center for Photography (Houston).

2024. PhMuseum Days (Bologna).

2024. Kranj Foto Fest (Slovenia).

2023. Pride Photo (Netherlands, Paris and Japan).

2023. Creadores de Imágenes X CHACO, Migra Fair (Argentina).

2023. Bodily Autonomies, Queer Festival (Germany).

2022. Preus Museum (Norway).

2021. XII SNC, Espacio Anna Frank (Venezuela).



2024. Participant. Making sense of stories by Gisela Volá.

2023. Participant. Estrategias Creativas by Julia Sbriller.

2023. Participant. Oveja Negra by Erick Pérez.

2022. Fellow. Creadores de Imágenes by Manuela Uribe.

2021. Participant. Conversatorios CAMPO.

2021. Fellow. Semillero Migrante Program by Fabiola Ferrero.

2021. Participant. Fashion Stylist workshop by Mima Zamall.

2017. Arts, Mention Cinematography, Universidad Central de Venezuela.




2024. Lenscratch. Queer Artists Week by Vicente Isaías.

2023. Vist Projects. A discomfort in memory by Marcela Vallejo.

2022. Canon Latam. Fashion and documentary narratives by Kika Pérez.

2022. DW Español. Migrating to a new life by Felipe Abondano.

2021. Cinco 8. Neither male nor female by Armando Díaz.




2024. Coordinator. Creadores de Imágenes Latinoamérica y Bogotá.

2022. Coordinator. Semillero Migrante Program.

2022. Workshop Leader. Santander Photographic Encounter.


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